Instinctively new ads appear on TV when there is a big festival or a big media property like IPL. When an ad is in the process of being developed, there is always a question of what kind of an ad to create that will appeal to the consumer. Every brand has a common objective of how to persuade my consumer to buy my product or service when it creates any ad, then it can be for any medium – TV, Radio, Newspaper, Magazine, Digital, etc. Often one of the two strategies is adopted by the people: Emotional or Rational or a combination of both.
Logic justifies your purchase while the emotional message attracts you to that brand. The quality of the product, the status symbol, the topics you like are the emotional strings of the consumer to buy the product. While logic on the other hand motivates to study how much the price is, what are the benefits and helps the consumer in the decision to buy the product. Both emotional and rational have their own advantages. No single strategy can be said to be true. Emotional branding strategy awakens the consumer’s feelings while the consumer understands rational branding strategy through logic. Emotional strategies make it possible for the consumer to like the product and motivate the consumer to take it, while the rational strategy proves whether the product is really worth buying through the features and benefits of the product.
The path of the two is different. The emotional approach will show the personal story related to the product while the rational approach will show how the products is used. The brand develops its own message or slogan depending on the strategy it adopts, emotional or rational. As such, there will be a hotel ad and the brand adopts an emotional strategy, the hotel will talk that it’s for family, its friendly, good service while the hotel adopting a rational strategy will talk about the features, benefits, price, etc. of the hotel in its message.
Both strategies show the product but depending on which strategy the brand is using, the placement of the product will appear in the ad. For example, on an emotional level, people are enjoying the product, interacting with the product, the salesman is helping, such things will be shown. While in Rational Brand Strategy the product will be placed in the middle and the whole story will be around the product and not around the consumer. The visuals that will be used in the ad, such as the brand’s logo, images, colors, if it is a brand adopting an emotional strategy, will use warm, soft colors and photos of individuals that can create emotional appeal. While bright, bold colours, images of the product will be used for the consumer product in the rational brand strategy.
Often, we see brands use both strategies to sell their products. For example, if a company is sending a social message and saying that smoking cigarette is harmful, they will explain emotionally how it hurts your health, how your family suffers, its consequences, etc. and rationally the same message will be given by explaining what the elements in cigarettes are harmful to your body, financially you will go bankrupt, etc.
Another example is a mobile service provider that says you will now be able to have unlimited conversations with your family and friends so that you can be in touch with them, which is an emotional story, and rationally explain what you will pay for it, various plans will be communicated and motivate you to take it. Thus, brands create campaigns differently and even with a combination of both. This is because the consumer is also different, and it is difficult to say which consumer will be drawn by which strategy. The same brand tries to attract them in different ways even within emotional and rational strategy. For example – creating a campaign based on cost. Highlight the price of the brand or the price of the product. This solution appeals to most consumers. If the price is low, then the consumer will immediately decide to buy that brand so that he/she can save some money and the same strategy of “Sale” campaign like 40-50% discount sale or buy two and get one free always works.
Second, the brand highlights the utility of the product. It will talk about how the product is useful in your life, how it satisfies your need, etc. will give reasons to buy the product. For example, if your baby needs calcium, protein, this milk powder will provide it; you need insurance, diet program or it will sell you sports shoes, clothes, accessories, showing you the benefits of physical fitness. This solution will promote the brand depending on how the problem in your life is solved.
Third, the brand will be promoted by talking about safety. We have got two airbags in your car; a children’s toy that will not harm kids while playing with it; talking about the safety of certain appliances in the kitchen; and so on. The campaign will also be developed based on certain brand statuses. This is the most powerful appeal because it connects people emotionally. Some consumers are willing to pay more for status and in such cases brand’s profit margins are higher. Luxury cars, high-end hotels, exotic vacations, luxury homes, clothing, club memberships, etc. will communicate and promote that by buying their brand, you will walk in a different circle, look different, and show elite class, high lifestyle.
Along with all this, other emotions are also used to promote the brand, such as, fear, humor, sensuality, etc. which strategy to imply; emotional, rational or combination of both depends on the parameters like what type of brand it is, the stage of product cycle, basis target audience, etc.
Effective ads, whatever they may be, will most likely be created using both strategies. In it you will see that the brand will take into account the emotions of the consumer and show the rational benefits and motivate the consumer to buy the brand.
In the end, the brand needs to understand its prospects, as well as know how to use both appeal, rational and emotional instinctively in its campaigns. How can my ad be memorable with the help of both or one, so that the brand stays in their minds for a long-time. If this is studied and prepared before developing a campaign, the brand will be able to present a successful campaign to its consumers which will appeal to the consumers emotionally and rationally.
Some parts of this article are excerpts from the book “BRAND BANSHE, BUSINESS VADHASHE”, written by Sameer Joshi, Founding Partner – Sam & Andy.